Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Moments of Life

'Moments of Life' illustration is a continuous visual observations and interpretations of my sentiments towards people on the streets and their moments of life in the Orient.

The mid-twentieth century was the beginning of capitalist business investments from foreign investors. Various cities were then prospered with international investments. However, these were often contradicted with poverty, leading to widening of disparity between the rich and the poor. Like any other big cities, Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Hong Kong, Taipei, Siem Reap, Phnom Penh, Lhasa, Cairo, Tel Aviv, Tokyo, Kyoto are still flooded with human traffic, billboards, skyscrapers, etc.

The illustrations posed strong conviction of the people on the streets living at the periphery in this contemporary society. While it is not the artist's intention to advocate a state of world utopia or criticize the phenomenon of inevitable rapid economic conditions and advancements, it aims to reinforce the existence of these street people and their encounters from a humanistic perspective.

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